Conference Papers Year : 2024

Using UAS imagery to characterize grain-size distribution of braided rivers


This work explores the potential of UAV imagery to map grain-size distribution (GSD) of 12 well-preserved braided reaches of the Southern French Alps and Prealps. A strong calibration curve has been developed to predict the grain-size from photogrammetric point clouds. Grain-size calibration has been obtained using 129 close-range photos of 1 m² homogeneous grain-sizes patches computed on Digital Grain Size (Buscombe, 2013). The D50 of each photos was then fitted with the mean roughness height (Vázquez-Tarrío et al., 2017). Distributed grain-size maps of the D50 can be produced by rasterizing the average surface roughness in a 1 m pixel and applying the calibration curve for each pixel. The procedure has potential for rapid and con-tinuous GSD characterization over braided reaches. Qualitative examination of a grain-size map shows great correspondence with sedimentary mosaics visible on SfM ortho-images, even in sub-merged conditions. Therefore, it allows for characterizing morpho-sedimentary signatures of braided reaches, which can have important applications for management of braided rivers.


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hal-04678025 , version 1 (26-08-2024)




  • HAL Id : hal-04678025 , version 1


Loïs Ribet, Frédéric Liébault, Laurent Borgniet, Michaël Deschâtres, Gabriel Melun. Using UAS imagery to characterize grain-size distribution of braided rivers. River Flow 2024 -The 12th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Fluvial Hydraulics Committee of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, Sep 2024, Liverpool, United Kingdom. pp.1-4. ⟨hal-04678025⟩
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